Monday, November 27, 2017

[New Masquerade Role] The Elegant Diamond Veil

Here comes another choice for your wedding dolls: the princess’s favorite diamond veil~!! clip_image001

This veil was actually designed by Mimic for a very good friend, who just got married recently.
However, as soon as this specially designed diamond veil was put in Mimic’s Album, people started asking Mimic:

"Mimic~ I love this diamond veil! Can I have oneI? 害羞"

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Mimic’s Talking Doll – The Recording Function

Recording (24 seconds)

Record your voice by holding the doll’s right hand. Release it to finish recording.


Play the recorded message by pressing the doll’s left hand.

Changing Battery

Open the bottom of your Mimic’s Doll, you will see the battery movement under the Velcro. Change the batteries directly (the recorded message will be saved even with batteries changed).


Please take the batteries off for a long-term storage.